>n [The Diamond Estate, North Sitting Room] Sculptured spouts pierce the base of the outward-facing wall, to drain away rainwater that finds its way onto the ivory-colored flagstones making up the sitting room's floor. Marble benches, identical to those on the portico, sit near the windows which peer out at the imposing Temple to Apollo Musegates, while several wooden chairs rest farther back towards the pillars, away from where the weather might harm them. Also here: Xena. Obvious exits: south. Melodone and Denada followed. >Hercules just arrived. >Denada says, "well Vaf they aren't starting without you" wave >Hercules stretches. >You wave. > Whistling casually, Autolycus strides into view, his eyes sparkling with infectious camaraderie. >Melodone gasps! >Nyxara just arrived. >Denada says, "so you can relax" >Vaage just arrived. >Xena curls her lips into a slight smirk. >Salmoneus edges forward, rubbing his hands together gleefully. >Lyram just arrived. >Xena nods. >Denada beams! >Salmoneus beams! >Iolaus casually ambles in, taking in the view with an impish grin. >Lyram just went south. >Melodone exclaims, "Wow!" >Hercules says, "Greetings, friends." >Lyram just arrived. >Salmoneus exclaims, "Ahh.....how wonderful! Come one, come all!" >Melodone exclaims, "This is an honor!" >Skorche just arrived. >Autolycus chuckles. Xena smiles at Hercules. >Melodone curtsies. >Denada exclaims, "hiya Hercules!" >Skorche pants. >Autolycus says, "Come closer." >You say, "Hello" >Autolycus glances at Denada. >Vaage sits at Hercules's feet. >Xena says, "Good to see you, you're looking well." >Autolycus winks. >Hercules nods to Denada. >Melodone beams at you! >Salmoneus pokes Autolycus in the ribs. >Skorche smooths back his hair. >Elrond just arrived. >Elrond just went south. >Hercules says, "A pleasure, Denada." >Hercules smiles. >Elrond just arrived. >Denada chuckles. >Iolaus casually saunters up, standing just behind Hercules. > Elrond's jaw drops. >l xena You see Xena, the Warrior Princess. She is tall and imposing, her lean and tanned muscles always ready to spring into action at the first sign of danger. Her long, dark brown hair is pulled away from her face, showing searching crystal blue eyes that seem to pierce right through you. Xena is not holding anything at the moment. Sleeveless dark leather armor reinforced with copper designs clings snugly to her lithe form, a short skirt of studded leather strips hanging midway down her muscular thighs. Her sword is at the ready in a sheath strapped high on her back. However, it is the chakram hanging from her belt that strikes the most fear into the hearts of those who would oppose her. Xena is in perfect condition. > Elrond says, "xena" >l herc Xena nods to Elrond. >You see Hercules, a Human male. He has shoulder-length, fine golden-brown hair that is loose, crystal blue eyes, olive skin, and is clean-shaven. He is not holding anything at the moment. He is wearing a pair of tall brown leather boots, a pair of form-fitting brown leather pants laced tightly up the sides, a slender leather belt braided from strips of dark suede, a black drawstring pouch and a golden tunic left open at the front with threads at the edges. He is in good health. >Salmoneus says, "Tonight's festivities are right up there...with...with...with all sorts of things that are...." >Elrond says, "Gabrielle said so many nice things about you" >Autolycus says, "Right up there...we get the idea." >Melodone grins at Salmoneus. >l iol You see Iolaus, Loyal Sidekick He has a muscular, but not impeccable, figure. His curly, sandy blond hair falls in tousled waves over his blue-grey eyes. He has a quick, bright smile and a healthy golden tan. Iolaus is not holding anything at the moment. He wears a patterned, patchwork vest made of leather and purple cloth, that hangs loosely open, baring a muscular chest. A wide belt with a large buckle cinches a pair of dark leather pants. Heavy leather boots, and a pair of braided wristguards complete his wardrobe. >Autolycus gazes upward. >l salm You see Salmoneus, the master salesman. He has distinguished greying hair, a silky beard and moustache, and an infectious grin. Salmoneus wears a homespun, brightly colored tunic with a gaudy bit of cloth draped over his shoulder and a pair of open-toed leather sandals. A velvet pouch hangs from the wide sash encircling his midriff. >Salmoneus exclaims, "Yes! Exactly!" Jherle just arrived. >Salmoneus gives a nervous little giggle. >Cindi just arrived. Skorche just went south. >Cindi just went south. >Jherle grins. >Xena glances down, scowling almost perceptibly. >Elrond says, "I met her about 2 months ago, folks said terrible things about you but if she thinks you are nice then it must be true" >Rampion just arrived. >Cindi just arrived. >Xena nods to Elrond. >Vaage asks, "anything for sale Salmoneus?" >Rampion chuckles. Llorien just arrived followed by Aleister. >Melodone leans on you. >Xena curls her lips into a slight smirk. Llorien smiles. >You grin at Melodone. >Elrond asks, "I gave her a small starflower, have you seen her?" >Melodone exclaims, "And all here for our own star!" >Xena says, "Terrible things? Careful, they might be true." Salmoneus says, "Oh....not today, Vaage....but soon." >Denada hugs you. >Vaage grins at Salmoneus. >Salmoneus gets all starry-eyed. >Elrond says, "thats the good thing" Xena snickers. >Vaage says, "goo to hear" >Elrond nods to Xena. >Melodone gives you a smooch. >Salmoneus says, "I have great plans for this place." >Melodone grins at Salmoneus. >You raise an eyebrow in Salmoneus's direction. >Vaage beams at Salmoneus! >Hercules asks, "Plans?" >Elrond says, "Pleasure to meet you, I am Elrond Priest of Athena" >Xena curls her lips into a slight smirk. >Salmoneus nods to Hercules. >Rampion says, "As long as they involve a steady supply of interesting scrolls, Salmoneus." >Skorche just arrived. >Skorche just went south. >Autolycus says, "There's always something in his gut." You chuckle at Rampion. Nyxara snickers. >Xena says, "Might want to check with the owners FIRST this time, Salmoneus." >Xena nods to Elrond. >Salmoneus says, "I'm thinking of opening a salon." >Sabin just arrived followed by Pythos, Sunder and Bonk. >Sabin just went south followed by Pythos, Sunder and Bonk. >Sabin just arrived followed by Pythos, Sunder and Bonk. >Melodone chuckles at Xena. >Xena says, "Nice to meet you." >Elrond kisses Xena on the hand. >Salmoneus gives Autolycus a withering glance. Sabin bounces up and down exuberantly! >Bonk grins. >Vaage asks, "a salon?!?" >You grin at Sabin. >Elrond says, "the pleasure is most certainly all mine" >Denada hugs Bonk. >Vaage peers quizzically at Salmoneus. >Bonk hugs Denada. >Denada says, "hello love" >Autolycus shrugs. >Denada gives Bonk a smooch. >Jherle rubs her chin. Hercules says, "Well, its a pleasure, Elrond priest of Athens." >Skorche just arrived. >Skorche puts a loose fitting sky blue shirt decorated with intricately stitched rainbows on. >Elrond says, "Hercules" >Salmoneus says, "In any case...tonight, we're going to do this wonderful presentation." >Xena glances hesitantly at her hand. >Elrond says, "wow" >Elrond says, "What a pleasure to meet you" >Skorche says, "there a little more presentable" Salmoneus exclaims, "And we wanted you all to be the first to know!" >Melodone says, "And I am Melodone the Gorgeous." >Salmoneus beams! >Melodone preens. Someone's pleased with herself! >Skorche adjusts the fit of his shirt. >Llorien says, "great" >Denada rolls her eyes. >Melodone grins. Elrond and Hercules shake hands. You raise an eyebrow in Salmoneus's direction. >Autolycus says, "All of us. Swell." >Xena folds her arms across her chest. >Denada says, "give it up Mel" >Hercules says, "Indeed you are." >Autolycus chuckles. >Rampion says, "Otherwise known as 'The Snack.'" >Rampion bites Melodone! >Melodone tickles Denada. >Elrond asks, "Do you know Athena?" >Hercules smiles at Melodone. >Melodone beams at Hercules! >Melodone gives Rampion a good pinch! >Pythos grins. >You grin at Hercules. >Elrond asks, "I mean, have you met her?" >Xena raises an eyebrow in Autolycus's direction. >Denada says, "she is known as Mel the Snack" >Denada bites Melodone! >Melodone exclaims, "Ouch!" >Xena asks, "Aren't you supposed to be out taking candy from a baby somewhere, Autolycus?" >You poke Denada in the ribs. Salmoneus exclaims, "I'm going to dash on out there and make sure everything is ready!" >Vaage pats Melodone on the knee. >Skorche tickles Melodone. >Salmoneus wanders away, babbling to himself. >Melodone giggles. >Denada chuckles at Xena. Llorien giggles. >Jherle grins. >Melodone grins at Xena. >Autolycus says, "Ah, Xena...you hurt me." >Elrond says, "um sorry to ask this" >Elrond coughs. >Autolycus says, "After all we've been through." >Rampion says, "He's busy dodging bacchae these days, Xena." >Xena curls her lips into a slight smirk. Llorien leans on Aleister. >Xena says, "Well, don't ask me to kiss it better." >Rampion says, "Scarcely time for him to steal even a little star." >Aleister leans on Llorien. >Skorche grins. Elrond says, "Xena, have you seen gabrielle she hasn't been back and she promised she would" >Autolycus nods to Xena. >Bonk says, "Bonk been wanting to ask does Hercules drink milk, because Bonk wants to grow up to be strong like Hercules" >Vaage says, "he only steals from children, not babys" >Autolycus says, "No...wouldn't dream of it, Xena." >Vaage grins at Autolycus. >Denada hugs Bonk. >Vaage gives Autolycus a playful poke in the ribs. >Bonk crosses his fingers. >Skorche chuckles at Bonk. >Jherle grins at Bonk. >Hercules exclaims, "Milk does a body good, Bonk. Great for the teeth!" >Sunder says, "you're bigger than Hercules silly" >Skorche groans. Melodone rolls her eyes. >Nyxara snickers. >Bonk beams at Hercules! >Autolycus chuckles. >Hercules claps Bonk on the shoulder. >Xena says, "She's... not coming, Elrond." >Vaage groans at Hercules. >You grin. >Elrond sighs. Bonk and Hercules shake hands. >Vaage asks, "why did you have to tell him that?" >Melodone says, "Oh, gods, Hercules. Now there will be no stopping him." >Nyxara says, "Milk makes you very ill." >Bonk removes a cup of fresh goat's milk from his leather satchel. >Melodone grins at Hercules. >Rampion says, "Milk." >Rampion shudders. Skorche says, "ahh I so wanted to meet Gabrielle. .she's my inspiration." >Autolycus says, "Goat's milk...." >Autolycus shudders. >Skorche snaps his fingers. >Elrond says, "I have heard horrible things, I heard she was dead but I know that couldn't be true" >Llorien smiles at Skorche. >Vaage grins at Autolycus. >Denada asks, "like there was before sis?" >Melodone smiles at Skorche. >Autolycus says, "Tastes like real goats." >Nyxara says, "Very icky stuff, milk." >Melodone chuckles at Denada. >Rampion nods to Autolycus. >Melodone says, "Good point, sis." Denada tickles Autolycus. >Autolycus nods to Nyxara. >Bonk raises his fresh goat's milk high above his head! >Rampion says, "Worse, nothing as nasty as a goat byproduct." >Vaage looks at Bonk and gags. Denada removes a glass of raspberry lemonade from her doeskin sack. >Bonk takes a drink from his fresh goat's milk. >Melodone grins at Autolycus. >Xena turns her head slowly to look at Autolycus with a distasteful look on her face. >Autolycus says, "There's someone who knows the finer things in life." >Autolycus winks. >Jherle says, "I'm just so at awe, I have no idea what to say" >Nyxara says, "Not as bad as the things that MAKE the goats milk though." >Melodone smiles at Xena. >Bonk smacks his lips together. >Llorien smiles at Iolaus. >Llorien says, "Hello Io" >Jherle rubs her head. >Elrond says, "So Xena, can you show me how to use a longsword" >Elrond removes a bronze-plated longsword from his leather scabbard. Xena nods to Melodone. Elrond turns his longsword around in his hands. >Iolaus smiles at Llorien. >Elrond exclaims, "Kiyya!" >Jherle takes a drink from her pale white wine. >Elrond asks, "eh?" >Xena curls her lips into a slight smirk. >You grin at Jherle. >Tamboura just arrived. >Denada chuckles at Elrond. >Elrond asks, "look good?" >Autolycus chuckles. Melodone grins. >Skorche laughs! >Vaage grins at Tamboura. >Elrond turns his longsword around in his hands. >Tamboura joins Vaage's group. >Xena says, "I don't think you'd like my lesson, Elrond. I have a tendency to get... carried away." >Autolycus says, "Oh, if Salmoneus were here, he'd charge you for asking her questions." Xena winks at Elrond. Melodone says, "Well, he is very decorative, at least." Vaage pats Tamboura on the knee. >Tamboura gives Vaage a smooch. >Bonk says, "no matter what all say if Hercules drink's milke then Bonk is drinking more milk" >Autolycus says, "I'm surprised he's not." >The blood slowly drains from Elrond's face. Bonk folds his arms across his chest. >Melodone eyes up Autolycus. >Tamboura sits down next to Vaage. >Melodone grins. >You chuckle at Bonk. >Vaage asks, "teach Rampion, please?" >Elrond says, "well Athena watches over me I am not scared" >Denada asks, "how can you drink MORE milk dear?" >Elrond waves his hand over his heart and looks upward. >Rampion says, "To use a sword? I already know how." >Rampion touches a crimson mandrake root draught. Vaage gazes hopefully at Xena. >Denada tickles Bonk. >Rampion says, "You drink one of these . .." >Melodone exclaims, "Good question, sis!" >Aleister nods to Llorien. >Rampion says, "Then you smash the lungs out of something." >Bonk winks at Denada. >Xena chuckles at Vaage. >Melodone leans on you. >Skorche says, "I wouldn't mind learning to flip like Xena. .I tried and just ended up bruised" >Nyxara snickers at Rampion. >Llorien laughs at Skorche. >Elrond puts a bronze-plated longsword in a silvery leather scabbard. >Elrond snaps his fingers. >Elrond says, "oh well" >Vaage asks, "please?" >Llorien says, "so what's new" >Vaage gazes hopefully at Xena. >Xena says, "It takes years of practice and dedication, Skorche." >Jherle grins at Skorche. >Autolycus peers south. Denada says, "I'll show ya sometime Skorche" >Denada chuckles. >Autolycus nods. >Xena looks over at Vaage and shakes her head. >Autolycus says, "Ah...." >Llorien giggles. Skorche beams at Denada! >Autolycus just went south. >Vaage pouts. >Elrond asks, "Iolaus, I don't suppose you would help me?" Rampion peers south. Skorche says, "wait. .I don't trust you" >Nyxara asks, "Thats it Xena?" >Elrond peers quizzically at Iolaus. >Skorche pokes Denada in the ribs. >Tamboura smiles at Xena. >Rampion rummages around in his pockets. >Elrond peers south. >Iolaus cocks his head to the side, looking at Elrond. >Vaage asks, "hey Hercules, can you lift a giant?" >Vaage peers quizzically at Hercules. >Elrond asks, "Would you give me a lesson on using a longsword?" >Hercules says, "Why yes." >Elrond says, "I heard you are pretty good as well" >Tamboura grins at Vaage. >Hercules says, "But he might not appreciate it." >Vaage grins at Hercules. >Melodone says, "I just want to know how you tan so evenly, Xena." >You chuckle at Hercules. >Hercules says, "As much as you would." >Hercules winks at Vaage. >Llorien giggles at Melodone. >Skorche chuckles at Melodone. >Vaage points at Bonk. >Denada chuckles at Melodone. >Melodone grins. >Xena smiles slyly. >Vaage grins at Hercules. Bonk chuckles. >Denada says, "she has many skills Mel" >Iolaus says, "Heh, well, that's a weapon best used carefully, Elrond." >Xena says, "Practice, Melodone. Dedication and practice." >Iolaus winks at Elrond. >Melodone exclaims, "I always have tan lines!" >Melodone flails her arms about. >You rub Melodone. Melodone chuckles at Xena. >Nyxara smirks. >Elrond removes a bronze-plated longsword from his leather scabbard. >Jherle mumbles something under her breath. >Elrond says, "look" >Elrond tosses a bronze-plated longsword from one hand to the other and accidentally drops it! >Vaage asks, "tan lines?" >Vaage peers quizzically at Melodone. >Jherle takes a drink from her pale white wine. >Elrond blushes a bright red color. >Pythos asks, "Do either of you use any potions?" >Elrond picks up a bronze-plated longsword. >Elrond whistles tunelessly to himself. >Elrond puts a bronze-plated longsword in a silvery leather scabbard. >Tamboura laughs at Vaage. >Elrond removes a small amphora of retsina from his leather backpack. >Elrond takes a drink from his amphora of retsina. >Elrond takes a drink from his amphora of retsina. >Tamboura says, "chjeeky" >Llorien smiles at Elrond. Elrond takes a drink from his amphora of retsina. >Elrond slowly empties his lungs. >Vaage grins at Tamboura. >Elrond burps. >Llorien says, "maybe too much retsina Elrond" >Vaage stands up. >Rampion says, "Never enough retsina. EVer." >Skorche says, "I wanna know how Xena keeps her hair so perfect after fighting so much. .My just frizzies out and is uncontrollable" >(Elrond touches his lip) >Vaage leans on Hercules. >Llorien chuckles. >Melodone pokes Rampion in the ribs. >Iolaus chuckles. >Hercules says, "I could not lift a fellow-milk driner." >Skorche smooths back his hair. >Bonk beams at Hercules! >You chuckle. >Hercules says, "Goat milk." >Melodone says, "Sap drinkers become saps." >Hercules nods to Skorche. >Nyxara shudders. >Melodone grins at Rampion. >Vaage laughs at Hercules. Hercules says, "Lots of it." >Hercules says, "Every morning." Bonk slaps Hercules heartily on the back! >Skorche nods to Hercules. >Rampion says, "It's because her hair practices and has dedication, Skorche." >Denada nods to Rampion. >Melodone chuckles at Rampion. >Skorche chuckles at Rampion. >Vaage groans at Rampion. >Iolaus asks, "Ech! Are you certain that's what it is, Herc?" >Nyxara says, "Your going to make me ill with talk like that Hercules." >Iolaus looks over at Hercules and shakes his head. >Bonk asks, "Hercules know by chance where can get cow's milk?" Xena asks, "Well, it's probably about time to head out to the presentation. Where was it again, Hercules?" >Skorche says, "ahh mine has an artistic temperment" >Skorche snaps his fingers. >Bonk crosses his fingers. >Elrond asks, "might I join you?" >Elrond peers quizzically at Hercules. >Tamboura peers quizzically at Hercules. >Denada rubs Bonk gently. >Hercules says, "Ah, on the upper floor of the palace, I believe. Near the spire." >Elrond joins Hercules's group. >Vaage says, "yeah, a cow is bigger than a goat, so Bonk should get even bigger" >Vaage grins at Bonk. >Sabin disbands his group. >Pythos joins Hercules's group. >Sabin joins Hercules's group. >Melodone leans on you. >Jherle joins Hercules's group. Cindi joins Hercules's group. >You chuckle. >Rampion says, "Guess we get a heroic leader." Jherle grins. >Aleister joins Hercules's group. >Bonk joins Hercules's group. >Rampion joins Hercules's group. >Tamboura joins Hercules's group. >Lyram joins Hercules's group. >You join Hercules's group. >Skorche joins Hercules's group. >Aleister pokes Llorien in the ribs. >Denada joins Hercules's group. >Xena chuckles. Nyxara joins Hercules's group. >Vaage joins Hercules's group. >Sunder just went south. >Melodone joins Hercules's group. Rampion says, "Of course. . ." >Llorien joins Hercules's group. >Rampion steps towards Xena to join her but Xena steps away. >Elrond says, "Xena can i shake your hand" >You snicker at Rampion. >Denada giggles at Rampion. >Melodone grins at Rampion. >Elrond says, "it seemed to bother you with my kiss before" >Tamboura grins at Rampion. >Vaage laughs at Rampion. >Denada says, "come on Chief" >Elrond hangs his head. >Denada nudges Rampion with her elbow. >Melodone exclaims, "She's not even a male faun, Rampion!" >Rampion says, "See, she's got the good attitude. Surly." >Llorien says, "welll.. Gabriell you know" >Hercules asks, "Are we ready?" >Melodone tickles Rampion. >Skorche says, "too bad Malca wasn't here to see Auto in the estates" >Xena says, "I travel alone these days." >You chuckle at Skorche. Iolaus says, "Right behind you, Hercules." >Tamboura nods to Hercules. >Hercules raises an eyebrow. >Skorche says, "i'm sure she would've enjoyed it" >Llorien sighs. >Melodone nods to Hercules. >Elrond steps towards Xena to join her but Xena steps away. >Llorien says, "I know" Rampion nods to Hercules. >Tamboura says, "all the way" >Hercules exclaims, "Alright, off we go!" >You follow Hercules who just went south. [The Diamond Estate, Foyer] Capped with ornately carved capitals, the blue-veined marble columns that line either side of the foyer give way to sitting rooms beyond. Leading west, deeper into the Estate building proper, a long hallway is lined with statues. You also see an Estate guard and the Estate doorways leading out. Also here: Elrond, Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien and Hercules. Obvious exits: north, south, west. >Llorien smiles Xena >Hercules peers north. >Elrond just went north. >Iolaus casually ambles in, taking in the view with an impish grin. >Skorche chuckles. >Hercules holds hands with Iolaus. >An Estate guard straightens his armor. >Melodone smiles at Iolaus. >Hercules nudges Iolaus with his elbow. >Elrond just arrived. >Elrond joins Hercules's group. >Iolaus chuckles at Hercules. >Llorien starts to make a move toward Iolaus. Iolaus questioningly raises his eyebrow at Llorien with a warning glance, stopping her dead in her tracks! >Elrond says, "Xena didn't want my company" >Pythos smiles at Iolaus. >Elrond pouts. >Skorche asks, "so do sidekicks tend to wonder?" >Hercules pats Elrond on the shoulder. >Aleister just arrived. >Llorien smiles. >Sabin grins at Iolaus. >Elrond says, "I miss Gabrielle" >Rampion says, "heh, Iolaus has attitude today, too." >raise eye lloYou raise an eyebrow in Llorien's direction. >Melodone beams at you! >Denada snickers. >Iolaus asks, "Run that quickly, Herc, and what do you expect?" >Llorien says, "yes" >Hercules says, "They certainly wander often enough." >You follow Hercules who just went through the Estate doorways leading out. [The Diamond Estate, Portico] A deep blue veins the marble from which the benches on the portico have been carved. Arranged to look out between the supporting pillars of the overhead entablature, the benches not only give a good view of the Eridanos River, but also draw the eye to the Palace gardens beyond. A centaur and giant guard the Estate doorways, proudly displaying the Estate's device on their shields. Also here: Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond and Hercules, Jopi, Becca, Skios, Hoag, Greymar, Seanacles, Leanna who is sitting, Hyzenthlay, Jesta, Jalkee, Tennetty and Dordie who is sitting. Obvious paths: out. >Iolaus glances at Hercules and coughs. >Jalkee gasps! >Skorche chuckles. >Melodone grins at Hercules. >Aleister came through the Estate doorways. >Hercules exclaims, "Keep that blood flowing!" >Jesta waves at Hercules. >Becca smiles. >Epoclaen just arrived. >Tennetty gasps! >Tamboura came through the Estate doorways. >Elrond growls. Seanacles's eyes roll back in his head as his knees buckle causing him to collapse in a heap to the ground. >Jalkee exclaims, "hercules!" >Hercules waves. >Aleister joins Hercules's group. >You grin at Becca. >Hyzenthlay gasps! >Hoag smiles. >Hercules exclaims, "Greetings, friends!" >Becca bounces up and down exuberantly! >Greymar lets out a hearty cheer for Hercules! >Hercules smiles. Leanna jumps to her feet! >Seanacles stands up. >Elrond says, "if we get into trouble I will take care of it" >Tamboura joins Hercules's group. >Llorien laughs! >Jopi gasps! >Tennetty asks, "*YOUR* Hercules?" >Jopi's eyes roll back in his head as his knees buckle causing him to collapse in a heap to the ground. Dordie smiles at Hercules. >Hercules says, "We are on our way to the auspicious ceremonies." Hyzenthlay waves at Hercules. Becca lets out a hearty cheer for Hercules! >Epoclaen sighs. >Pythos grins. >Epoclaen's eyes roll back in his head as his knees buckle causing him to collapse in a heap to the ground. >Tennetty gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. >Becca hugs Greymar. >Leanna joins Hercules's group. >Jherle blinks. >Rampion says, "See, you all thought he'd be taller." >Jalkee joins Hercules's group. >Epoclaen sits up. >Seanacles joins Hercules's group. >Tennetty joins Hercules's group. >Jopi stands up. >Greymar asks, "Might we JOIN ye Hercules?" >Melodone exclaims, "For our very own Vaftel!" >Jesta joins Hercules's group. >Hyzenthlay joins Hercules's group. >Hercules points at you. >Leanna says, "sounds good to me," >Melodone beams at you! >Tamboura sighs. >Jopi joins Hercules's group. >Hercules says, "For this lucky man." >Dordie stands up. >Leanna says, "I think we just did anyway.." >Lyram chuckles at Rampion. >Leanna coughs. >Dordie joins Hercules's group. >Hercules says, "Why, certainly." >Greymar joins Hercules's group. >You blink. >Llorien hugs Dordie. >Melodone nods to Hercules. >Skios joins Hercules's group. Becca joins Hercules's group. >Dordie hugs Llorien. >Hercules smiles at Elrond. >Melodone gives you a smooch. Hoag joins Hercules's group. >Aleister rummages around in his pockets. >Seanacles waves at Hercules. >Hercules asks, "Everyone ready?" >Jherle rummages around in her pockets. >Epoclaen nudges you with his elbow. >Seanacles nods. >Lyram nods to Hercules. >Jalkee exclaims, "yes!" Denada says, "lead on" >Melodone exclaims, "You're a star, dear!" Vaage asks, "where are we going?" >Hoag nods. Tamboura nods to Hercules. >Jherle grins. >Iolaus says, "Go on, go on." >Jalkee bounces up and down exuberantly! >Epoclaen joins Hercules's group. >Melodone smiles at you. >Sabin grins at you. >Iolaus glances at Hercules impatiently. >Seanacles jumps up and down! >Jherle removes a tangerine from her leather satchel. >You fan your face. Becca beams at you! >Hyzenthlay hugs Jesta. >Jherle tosses a tangerine into the air! As it falls back to the ground she fumbles slightly but manages to catch it. >Elrond laughs! >Hyzenthlay beams at Jesta! >Elrond smiles. >Becca hugs you. >Llorien takes a drink from her Sweet Oblivi ale. >Dordie beams at Llorien! >Jherle takes a bite of her tangerine. >Leanna asks, "Your a bit impatient aren't you?" Dordie beams! >Hercules grins. >Leanna grins at Iolaus. >Skorche tickles Jherle. >Becca hugs Greymar. >Dordie catches up her skirt and twirls about in a circle. >Jopi puts a coated broadsword in a sheath. >Hercules exclaims, "Off we go once more!" You follow Hercules who just went out. [Athens, Metis Circle] The dark veil of night wraps comfortably around Metis Circle. Velvet skies washed with sands of diamonds cover the quiet city in a mantle of stillness and serenity. You also see the Diamond Estate portico. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules and Lilen. Obvious paths: north, southeast. >Jherle grins at Skorche. >Elrond asks, "Have you heard about fox and bacchae?" >Leanna says, "Your almost as bad as me." >Lilen wandered up the Diamond Estate portico. >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, Metis Circle] The night sky glitters coldly with distant stars. The carefully manicured plants lining the road are outlined with a sharp blue shimmer where the moonlight touches them. You also see a neatly-penned sign and a pristine white building with a red-tiled roof. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south, west. Elrond peers quizzically at Hercules. >Iolaus winks at Leanna. >Elrond peers quizzically at Iolaus. >Bonk takes a drink from his fresh goat's milk. >Hercules says, "Hm." >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, Metis Circle] Evening descends over Metis Circle, as if Nyx, the goddess of night, were drawing her dark cloak slowly over the earth. The area falls silent, a sacred stillness evident in the cool air. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, south. >Skorche says, "aye maybe Xena could help Fox" >You follow Hercules who just went northeast. [Athens, Metis Circle] The shadows of evening drift through the fingers of a tall willow tree. The branches cast mottled patterns of darkness over the large, flat rock which lies beneath the fluttering leaves. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, southwest. >Skorche smiles hopefully. >You follow Hercules who just went northeast. [Athens, Metis Circle] The shimmering blue water of the Eridanos capers alongside the road as if trying to keep up with the passersby traveling its length. Errant drops splash onto the cobblestones, the water flung by the river as its waters curve beside the road. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: east, southwest. >You follow Hercules who just went east. [Athens, Metis Circle] The canopies of the olive trees obscure a thin crescent of the sky above the palace wall enclosing the public gardens. The moonlight that strays through their leaves casts malformed shadows over the cobbled walk. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, east, west. >Sabin nods to Skorche. >Elrond says, "their leader is Autolycus' old girlfriend" >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Wide and well-swept, Kronos Road leads south to Metis Circle. A warm dry breeze raises small clouds of dust from between the massive stones that pave this road. In quieter moments, when traffic has died down, there is the soft sound of rustling leaves coming from somewhere nearby. You also see Darnel. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Stretching to the north, as far as the eye can see, this busy road appears to be coming to an end to the south. An oddly shaped building rises to the northeast, beyond a field of colorful wildflowers. Herb boxes line the road, the silvery leaves of the herbs gleaming softly in the moonlight. Their identity remains hidden until their scent is released to the night air when brushed by passers-by. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] The beds of herbs that line this road are intermingled with trellises of roses along this section. Pink, white and red blossoms delight the eye and more than a few folks stop to smell them. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] A large marble archway spans the entrance to two roads that branch to the east and flank a building which gleams softly in the moonlight. In the center of the road, droplets of water from a large fountain glimmer like drops of molten silver in the cool night air. Sitting at the fountain's edge, a young couple laughs and talks quietly, ignoring the crowds passing them by. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, south. >Elrond says, "what a nice thought " >Leanna says, "Perhaps, but Fox wants all dead or bacchae's.." >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Warm breezes rustle the leaves of the trees that line this wide road. Heat radiates from the limestone blocks that make up the roadway. The sound of buzzing bees from somewhere nearby counters the rustling leaves creating a lively symphony, which ebbs and flows with the breeze. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south, west. You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Riotous splashes of color greet your eyes. Flowers and herbs of every color, size and shape imaginable fill a large garden on the east side of the road. Their survival is ensured by the buzzing bees that dart here and there amongst the blooms. The bees seem to be coming from the northeast, and head back in that general direction when fully sated with the nectar this garden offers. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. Skorche says, "we've got a Bacchae problem" >Skorche sighs. >Hercules mumbles something under his breath. >(Rampion makes a note that heroes always take the scenic route.) >Melodone smiles at Hercules. >Hercules says, "It's been so long since I've been to Athens." >Hercules sighs. >You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Warm breezes rustle the leaves of the trees that line this wide road. Heat radiates from the limestone blocks that make up the roadway. The sound of buzzing bees from somewhere nearby counters the rustling leaves creating a lively symphony, which ebbs and flows with the breeze. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south, west. You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, North Kronos Road] A large marble archway spans the entrance to two roads that branch to the east and flank a building which gleams softly in the moonlight. In the center of the road, droplets of water from a large fountain glimmer like drops of molten silver in the cool night air. Sitting at the fountain's edge, a young couple laughs and talks quietly, ignoring the crowds passing them by. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, south. You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, North Kronos Road] The beds of herbs that line this road are intermingled with trellises of roses along this section. Pink, white and red blossoms delight the eye and more than a few folks stop to smell them. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. >Denada nods to Rampion. >Llorien laughs at Rampion. >Dordie grins. >Skorche laughs! >Tamboura grins at Rampion. >Hercules says, "And it was your beauty that distracted me." >Jherle smiles at Hercules. >Hercules winks at Melodone. >Nyxara chuckles at Rampion. >You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Stretching to the north, as far as the eye can see, this busy road appears to be coming to an end to the south. An oddly shaped building rises to the northeast, beyond a field of colorful wildflowers. Herb boxes line the road, the silvery leaves of the herbs gleaming softly in the moonlight. Their identity remains hidden until their scent is released to the night air when brushed by passers-by. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, North Kronos Road] Wide and well-swept, Kronos Road leads south to Metis Circle. A warm dry breeze raises small clouds of dust from between the massive stones that pave this road. In quieter moments, when traffic has died down, there is the soft sound of rustling leaves coming from somewhere nearby. You also see Darnel. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. Dordie says, "You should come by more often" You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, Metis Circle] The canopies of the olive trees obscure a thin crescent of the sky above the palace wall enclosing the public gardens. The moonlight that strays through their leaves casts malformed shadows over the cobbled walk. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, east, west. Elrond says, "sorry hercules we didn't mean to ruin your trip here with our problems" >Melodone beams at Hercules! >Dordie chuckles. >Denada cackles at Melodone! >Bonk chuckles. >Melodone nods to Hercules. >You follow Hercules who just went east. [Athens, Metis Circle] Moonlight trickles like rivulets of water over the uneven cobblestones of the path. Despite the ambient darkness, the road radiates a strength -- a sureness strong enough to bear the weight of the polis on its shoulders both by night and by day. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: southeast, west. >You follow Hercules who just went southeast. [Athens, Metis Circle] The road slants downhill to the southeast slightly, trickles of water like shimmering snakes sliding down the gutter. Clusters of hyacinth grow near the rough-hewn edge of the Circle, several of them pushing aside loosened cobbles, forcing their own fragrant way toward the center of the street. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, northwest. >Melodone says, "That's often a problem." >You follow Hercules who just went southeast. [Athens, Metis Circle] A moss-covered statue reclines in the shadows of a large cluster of spicy-scented myrtle. The plant's broad, dark green leaves are silhouetted against the paler hues of the grey-green statue half-hidden within its boughs. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest. >Jesta says, "we left jalkee" >You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, Metis Circle] An ornate frieze lines the upper wall of the palace's garden. A shimmering haze rises from the Eridanos River as it wraps itself around the palace, softening the stone walls and towers beneath a gauzy film. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, east, south. Jesta dissolves into a fit of giggles. >Denada says, "please do not encourage the food" >Melodone preens. Someone's pleased with herself! >Denada bites Melodone! >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, Metis Circle] A moss-covered statue reclines in the shadows of a large cluster of spicy-scented myrtle. The plant's broad, dark green leaves are silhouetted against the paler hues of the grey-green statue half-hidden within its boughs. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest. You follow Hercules who just went northwest. [Athens, Metis Circle] The road slants downhill to the southeast slightly, trickles of water like shimmering snakes sliding down the gutter. Clusters of hyacinth grow near the rough-hewn edge of the Circle, several of them pushing aside loosened cobbles, forcing their own fragrant way toward the center of the street. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules and Tennetty. Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, northwest. Tennetty just went southeast. >Melodone exclaims, "Ouch!" >Leanna says, "Athenians always have problems, most of the time anyway.." >Melodone glares at Denada. >Elrond says, "where are you going hercules" >Hercules peers northwest. >Rampion says, "Just think, Den, our feast meal has been deemed worthy by Hercules." >Elrond asks, "is it at the palace?" >Denada nods to Rampion. >Rampion asks, "Hercules, need a guide?" >Hercules says, "We are heading to the palace. We left someone behind, but I can't find him." Elrond says, "i can help" Denada exclaims, "yeah!" >You follow Hercules who just went southeast. [Athens, Metis Circle] A moss-covered statue reclines in the shadows of a large cluster of spicy-scented myrtle. The plant's broad, dark green leaves are silhouetted against the paler hues of the grey-green statue half-hidden within its boughs. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest. Elrond smiles. >Hercules says, "I was trying to find the one left behind." >Tamboura smiles. >Hercules nods to Greymar. >Skorche laughs! >Denada says, "tho we have to just nibble on her or my mom will kill me" Llorien says, "oh sweet Herc" >Rampion says, "We need a shepherd for this group." >Hercules winks. >You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, Metis Circle] An ornate frieze lines the upper wall of the palace's garden. A shimmering haze rises from the Eridanos River as it wraps itself around the palace, softening the stone walls and towers beneath a gauzy film. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules, Tennetty and Jalkee. Obvious paths: north, east, south. Seanacles says, "Ther was 2 people left behind" >Denada chuckles at Hercules. >You follow Hercules who just went south. [Athens, Metis Circle] Night softens the stark white of the cobbled road. Palmettos lining the roadside sparkle with moisture in the cool night air. The darkness is broken by the ripples from the nebulous winking forms set far above in the evening's cloak of indigo silk. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, southwest. >Jalkee just arrived followed by Tennetty. >Jalkee joins Hercules's group. Rampion says, "There they are." >Tamboura hugs Jalkee. >Hyzenthlay exclaims, "there!" >Llorien says, "there they are" >Seanacles says, "right there" >Tamboura hugs Tennetty. >Tennetty joins Hercules's group. >Hercules says, "Ah, there we are." >Hercules grins. >grinYou grin. >Jalkee grins. >Tennetty exclaims, "Thank you!" >Llorien grins. >Hyzenthlay smiles at Hercules. >Seanacles grins. >Jherle takes a bite of her tangerine. >Tamboura smiles at you. >Jalkee blushes a bright red color. >Melodone smiles at Hercules. >Iolaus whispers loudly, "You'd think he'd been wandering around fighting warlords and monsters or something." >You smile at Tamboura. >Iolaus shakes his head. >Elrond snickers. >You chuckle at Iolaus. >You follow Hercules who just went southwest. [Athens, Metis Circle] The edge of the riverside path shines a luminous white as the light from the moon brushes softly against its surface. The rim of stone encircling the road's outermost edge sparkles with flecks of silver and gold. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, southwest. >Hyzenthlay grins at Jesta. >Denada grins at Iolaus. Rampion snickers. >Nyxara snickers. >Jherle chuckles. >Jalkee chuckles. >You follow Hercules who just went southwest. [Athens, Metis Circle] The river coils lazily between the garden walls and the paved road with a quiet whisking sound that echoes as its surface ripples against the stones of its banks. Footprints worn into the stones over time reveal places where people have stepped off the cobbled street to refresh themselves in the cool water. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, west. >Melodone grins at Iolaus. >Seanacles smiles at Iolaus. Hyzenthlay grins at Iolaus. >Vaage chuckles at Iolaus. >Leanna grins at Iolaus. >Rampion says, "We have some warlords you can take a crack at." >Greymar chuckles at Iolaus. >Elrond asks, "Hercules have you met athena?" >You follow Hercules who just went west. [Athens, Metis Circle] The moon's chill gaze strikes the bridge leading to the north, casting its sharply defined shadow on the waters flowing silently beneath it. Starlight glints off the polished cobbles like stray sparks flying off a blacksmith's anvil. You also see an arched bridge crossing the Eridanos River. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: east, south, west. >Dordie starts to make a move toward Iolaus. Iolaus questioningly raises his eyebrow at Dordie with a warning glance, stopping her dead in her tracks! >Rampion says, "WEll, one, but he's fairly puny." >Skorche nods to Iolaus. >Hercules says, "I always love to crack warloards." >Pythos's teeth chatter. >Llorien asks, "Collin?" >Iolaus grins at Rampion. >Rampion says, "He's Ares scion he says." >Tamboura smiles at Hercules. >Melodone smiles at Hercules. >You follow Hercules who just went across an arched bridge crossing the Eridanos River. [Athens, Palace Walk] An arched bridge connects the Palace Walk with Metis Circle. Within the rim of Metis is a band of silver light -- the Eridanos River that shines like a stream of pure mercury when touched by the moon's slender fingers. You also see an arched bridge leading south toward Metis Circle. Also here: Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: north. >Jesta giggles at Dordie. >Hyzenthlay says, "we have a wimpy warlord" >Skorche says, "Collin isn't a warlord. .he's still taking the warlord training classes from Ares" You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, Palace Walk] The rich fragrance of jasmine lingers over the marble walkway. The dark green leaves of a bush cut close to the ground bear tiny ivory flowers, the blossoms releasing their potent, heady scent. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest. >Llorien smiles at Hyzenthlay. >Jalkee laughs! >You follow Hercules who just went northeast. [Athens, Palace Walk] A tall olive tree grows to one side of the road. Its slender golden-green branches open their fingers to the sky, as if to grasp the beauty of the heavens. Fresh bunches of myrtle creep nearby along the earth. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: southwest, west, northwest. >You follow Hercules who just went northwest. [Athens, Palace Walk] The marble walk is clean and well-kept. The dutiful attention of the many caretakers who keep these streets tidy also contributes to keeping them safe. Numerous guards walk back and forth from all corners of Athens to the very heart of the city -- the palace. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest. >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Athens, Palace Walk] To the north, the tall bronze gate leading into the palace stands like a sentinel. The surrounding gardens close in around the palace entrance, its white marble pillars given a softer edge by the embracing field of deep green vegetation. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, south. You follow Hercules who just went north. [Palace Gardens, Marble Walk] A marble path winds to the north, leading to the tall and ornate gate of the Palace. To the east and west, the verdant green of the gardens thickens, dark vines spilling over conical evergreen bushes. The croon of hidden birds and insects echoes from the shadowed greenery. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west. Hyzenthlay smiles at Hercules. >Rampion snickers. >Leanna says, "Collin would rather play games..as he says though.."not unlike a cat,playing with a rat"something like that anyway.." Vaage says, "he's no warlord, big time lackey maybe, buy warlord no" >You follow Hercules who just went north. [Palace Gardens, Bronze Gate] The tall gate leading into the palace is shadowed by the mottled fingers of moonlight that peek through the brush of the luxurious gardens. Sinewy tendrils coil and curve around the bronze posts, their tender green shoots appearing hard and black beneath the night sky. The Alani - the swiftly footed hounds of Artemis - leap and cavort along the pillars of the gate. You also see a bright silk tent flap and a porcelain urn. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty and Hercules, Lilean, Jae, Agrimony, Sunder and Xena. Obvious paths: south. >Elrond hiccups. >Agrimony says, "it's all a buzz with your presence" >Hercules says, "Here we are." Iolaus rolls his eyes skyward. >Xena smiles at Hercules. >Agrimony smiles. >Hyzenthlay nods to Vaage. >Elrond says, "oh look Xena is here" >Iolaus says, "They all say they're with Ares." Jalkee says, "Hey Xena" >You grin at Hercules. >Hercules says, "I see you beat us here, Xena. As usual." >Iolaus chuckles. Seanacles gasps! >Tennetty gasps! >A cloud of golden sparks suddenly appears in the air, forming the outline of a female Centaur before resolving into Alpha herself. >Jalkee waves at Xena. >Rampion nods to Iolaus. >Llorien laughs! >Elrond says, "yeah she didn't want to walk with me" >Cindi beams at Alpha! >Jae says, "Ooh.." >Hyzenthlay beams at Xena! >Jherle grins. >Melodone curtsies to Alpha. >Agrimony says, "of course" >Llorien says, "Hi Xena" >Nyxara says, "Well, she didn't run in circles." >Skorche smiles at Alpha. Rampion says, "They have to, sorta keeps people from calling them out." Leanna smiles at Xena. You wave at Alpha. Denada waves at Alpha. Sunder says, "hello Alpha" >Llorien smiles. >Nyxara grumbles. >Pythos smiles at Alpha. Jesta kisses Xena on the hand. Bonk bows to Alpha. >l alp You see Alpha, a female Centaur Warrior. She has long, wavy strawberry blonde hair that is tousled, crystal green eyes, fair skin, and a strawberry roan equine body. She is not holding anything at the moment. She is wearing a twisted gold chain circled about the waist with trailing strands of shimmering pink seed pearls dropping over the withers, a soft vest of watered ivory silk with an intertwining pattern of bramble rose vines embroidered around the hem, a crown of blushing pink rosebuds, a woven linen hairband and an ivory satin saddle satchel. She is in good health. >Pythos bows to Alpha. >Agrimony says, "she's a woman" >Dordie smiles at Xena. >Greymar bows to Alpha. >Seanacles says, "Hi Xena" >Llorien hugs Alpha. >Rampion smiles at Alpha. >Agrimony beams at Xena! Skorche says, "well this is a special occasion" >Dordie curtsies. >Llorien says, "all better" >Xena nods to Seanacles. >Greymar says, "Greetings Lady" >Hyzenthlay bows to Xena. >Jalkee says, "Hello xena" Lyram bows to Alpha. >Melodone nods to Skorche. Llorien bows to Xena. >Alpha curtsies to Xena. Becca smiles shyly at Xena. >Semyon just arrived followed by Alisande. >Alpha curtsies to Hercules. >Leanna says, "It is a pleasure to meet you,Xena." >Melodone exclaims, "For Vaftel!" >Leanna smiles at Xena. >Xena nods to Alpha. >Melodone beams at you! >Xena smiles at Leanna. >Tennetty says, "howdy Xena" >Xena says, "I'm flattered." >Jae shadow boxes at the air! Dordie smiles at Alpha. >Jalkee says, "Yes" >Denada hugs Bonk. >Lilen just arrived. >Llorien puts a mug of Sweet Oblivi ale in a large red sack. >Elrond says, "Xena didnt' want to walk with me" >Hoag smiles at Xena. >Alisande curtsies to Xena. >Elrond pouts. >Hercules asks, "Shall we head towards the Walk of Fame?" >Vaage gazes hopefully at Xena. >Jalkee says, "Im speechless." >Hercules grins. >Xena looks over at Elrond and shakes her head. >Tamboura curtsies to Xena. >Skorche chuckles at Elrond. Hyzenthlay pats Elrond on the shoulder. >Tamboura says, "nice to meet you" Melodone nods to Hercules. >Xena says, "Sure, I can walk with you." >Vaage asks, "are you sure you won't teach Rampion?" Llorien opens her doeskin backpack. >Tamboura smiles at Xena. >Lilen joins Hercules's group. >Semyon chuckles. >Vaage gazes hopefully at Xena. >Xena joins Hercules's group. >Elrond says, "gabrielle went out with me but you didn't want to" >Melodone hugs you. >Jae joins Hercules's group. >Alisande nods to Semyon. >Semyon joins Hercules's group. >Llorien removes a gleaming bronze-plated longsword from her doeskin backpack. >Lilen hugs you. >Denada says, "she mighta had to go to the little warriors room" >Jesta waves at Alisande. >Alisande joins Hercules's group. >Llorien pivots in Xena's direction and salutes her with her longsword, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. >Alpha smiles at Hercules. >Melodone chuckles at Denada. Lilean joins Hercules's group. Denada pats Elrond on the shoulder. >Vaage grins at Alisande. Alpha joins Hercules's group. >Xena smiles at Llorien. >Sunder went into a large bronze gate followed by Agrimony. >Hyzenthlay grins at Llorien. Seanacles says, "A pleasure to meet you as well Xena" >Rampion says, "And look where it got Gabrielle. Xena's smarter than to hang out with a priest . . ." >Nyxara paces back and forth. >Rampion whistles skillfully to himself. >Alisande hugs Semyon. >Llorien smiles. >Tamboura removes a dark ball and chain from her doeskin satchel. >Elrond kicks Rampion! >Hercules nods. Greymar flicks his tail over his withers. >You follow Hercules who just went into a large bronze gate. [The Palace of Athens, Hall of Entry] Plush silvery-white carpets cover the polished marble floors. Slender columns of pale stone line the walls of the graciously curving hall. A large bronze gate leads from the entrance foyer into the palace gardens. Also here: Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: north. >Skorche chuckles. >Nyxara snickers at Rampion. >Tennetty chuckles. >Skios rummages around in his pockets. >Melodone chuckles at Rampion. >Tamboura pivots in Xena's direction and salutes her with her ball and chain, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement. >You follow Hercules who just went north. [The Palace of Athens, Hall of Entry] The cool fingertips of the moon brush through a large arched window carved from the thick marble of the wall. The sounds of the hushed gardens outside -- water trickling, leaves rustling, the faint giggle of a lady being courted -- echo through the otherwise silent chamber. You also see an ornate gilded mirror. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: north, east, south, west. >You follow Hercules who just went north. [The Palace of Athens, Central Chamber] Evening spills through the large open windows and forms pools of light in the hallway. A marble staircase lies half-hidden in shadow, spiraling upwards toward the dark chambers of the palace's upper level. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Becca, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, northwest. >Rampion says, "Especially one who kicks." >Rampion sniffs. >Elrond smiles at Rampion. >You follow Hercules who just climbed up a spiraling marble staircase. [The Palace of Athens, Chamber of Demeter] A painted relief of Demeter is carved from the stucco wall. The blue robe she wears clings softly like silk to her form. The golden ribbons encircling her brow match the sheaf of wheat she holds together with a scepter in her right hand. You also see a hardwood stair winding up to the third floor. Also here: Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: north, east, southeast, southwest, west, down. >Dordie pats Rampion on the croup. >Limerick just arrived. >Jalkee says, "Im speechless, Im actually walking and talking with Xena, Hercules, and Iolaus" >You follow Hercules who just climbed up a hardwood stair winding up to the third floor. [The Palace of Athens, Third Floor] To the east lies the Hall of Audience, its gilded doors always open to receive petitioners, pleas and guests. To the west lies a small exhibit mounted on a narrow marble pedestal zealously watched over by a pair of frowning guards. You also see a winding hardwood stair leading down. Also here: Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: east, south, west. >You follow Hercules who just went south. [The Palace of Athens, Third Floor] The highly polished white marble floor is carpeted with a thick, soft linen runner. Slender columns form a colonnade that lines the hall -- stately forms guarding your passage through the palace. You also see a tall oval mirror. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: north, south. >Xena chuckles at Jalkee. Elrond says, "where did iolaus go" >You follow Hercules who just went south. [The Palace of Athens, Entrance to the Spire] The hallway winds upward, melting into the base of the Spire of Eos. The finely sculpted marble gleams a bright, burnished white. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious paths: north, up. >You grin at Jalkee. >Melodone smiles at Jalkee. Iolaus smiles at Jalkee. >You follow Hercules who just went up. [The Palace of Athens, Pinnacle of Helios] The concentric chamber of the pinnacle forms a solid marble cylinder that reaches up to the sky. The chill touch of moonlight seeps through, casting eerie shadows on the smooth walls. You also see a silver walkway. Also here: Pythos, Sabin, Jherle, Cindi, Bonk, Rampion, Lyram, Skorche, Denada, Nyxara, Vaage, Melodone, Llorien, Iolaus, Elrond, Aleister, Tamboura, Leanna, Seanacles, Jesta, Hyzenthlay, Jopi, Dordie, Greymar, Skios, Hoag, Jalkee, Tennetty, Lilen, Xena, Jae, Semyon, Alisande, Lilean, Senior GameMaster Alpha and Hercules. Obvious exits: up, down. Jalkee grins. >Elrond says, "oh there you are hiding " >Vaage says, "i want to buy stuff from Sal"